
External forces often form the shapes we create, take on, and inherit. We are not created in a vacuum, nor can we grow without understanding how our patterns and perspectives are influenced. We are all shaped by societal systems and dynamics beyond our control. Behaviours are learned from and transmitted through our distinctive family lineage, dynamics, systems, and culture, which we consciously or unconsciously adopt. When we embrace complex relational dynamics, it opens us up to profound transformation, healing, and consciousness-raising as a society and people. How we respond to our energetic wholeness, fragmentation, and over or under-compensation individually and collectively shapes the consciousness of our cumulative organism, influencing the existence and behaviours of our social fabric and spiritual ecology.

Messwork takes an intersectional approach to somatic transformation through embodied systems design, embracing our inherent intricacies across culture, language, race, gender, sex, identity, economy, class, ability, environment, politics, religion, and spirituality. Articulating awareness and embracing complexity between the individual and system creates an opening for collective activism and movement, leveraging justice-oriented approaches for somatic reparation, bridging, and metamorphosis.