Cri (pronounced Cree) deconstructs and reshapes as part of her creative process, seeking to arrive at synthesis while making (and embracing) a lot of mess. Messwork facilitates a multidisciplinary yet holistic approach to trauma recovery and abundant living. With a Bachelor of Psychology and Business from Northeastern University, a Master of Fine Arts in Communications Design from Pratt Institute, and an ongoing education with the Institute of Core Energetics, New York, Cri integrates complex skill sets into a robust, full-bodied foundation upon which to reinforce her work and practice offerings.
As a creator, practitioner, and educator, Cri's psychological and design expertise fuels her methodological and theoretical frameworks and approaches, exploring the inherent nature and connection across somatics, psychology, design, and mess. Currently teaching Graduate Communications Design at Pratt Institute, Cri expands her namesake practice, Cg Studio, into Messwork and Messwork Practice Building, offerings employing and leveraging somatics, design, and the transformative power of mess to catalyse personal, professional, and systemic growth.
In her own Messwork, Cri navigated various academic and personal therapeutic territories before finding somatics. A health crisis in her late twenties catapulted her inquiry into more comprehensive healing modalities, punctuating the significance and impact of being treated as a whole being rather than a series of fragments. As a result of her own experience, Cri recognises the acute urgency and need to create more vigorous, holistic practices toward growth and rehabilitation, an offering she now extends to her clients, meeting them in their fullness, complexity, and humanity.
Book a 30-minute complimentary consultation or a 50-80-minute personal transformation session online with Cri.
Photography by Noah Blough.